Chapter 21 Layers of abstraction
21.1 Objectives
- admitting the simplification
- abstracting the exchange
- mimicking the reality
- swapping back to attributes
21.2 Admitting the simplification
There comes a time when I need to admit to something that I’ve learned on the way as I was writing this book and was misused throughout.
When we were using the Mox
package, we were disappointed that most packages don’t provide behaviours we could use in our tests(to mock the actual implementations).
To fix that, we were creating behaviours for 3rd party packages we are using, like Binance
or even Ecto.Repo
. This approach felt weird, and it should, as I believe that was not the intended usage of the Mox
Instead, we should introduce an additional layer(of abstraction) on top of the 3rd party modules we are using. A typical example could be abstracting dealing with an exchange to an behaviour and providing different implementations(for example, one could be wrapping the Binance
In the example above, we will introduce a new behaviour module called Core.Exchange
that would define the standard way to interact with any exchange. As this will be a generic exchange behaviour, it needs to accept and return generic structs(we will need to define those as well).
We will also create a new Core.Exchange.Binance
module(wrapping up the Binance
module) and update the BinanceMock
module. Both will implement the Core.Exchange
In this chapter, we will look into the intended way/scenario for using the Mox
package, its advantages and disadvantages and go beyond and look into alternatives.
21.3 Abstracting the exchange
First, we will look at an intended use case for the Mox
module, as mentioned above.
21.3.1 Defining the Core.Exchange
We will start by creating a new file /apps/core/lib/core/exchange.ex
together with a new module inside it:
Now, based on how we currently interact with the Binance
module inside the Naive.Strategy
, we can define the following callback functions:
- almost the same as the Binance.order_limit_buy/4
, just skipped the optional argument
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange.ex
@callback order_limit_buy(symbol :: String.t(), quantity :: number(), price :: number()) ::
{:ok, Core.Exchange.Order.t()}
| {:error, any()}
- almost the same as the Binance.order_limit_sell/4
, just skipped the optional argument
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange.ex
@callback order_limit_sell(symbol :: String.t(), quantity :: number(), price :: number()) ::
{:ok, Core.Exchange.Order.t()}
| {:error, any()}
- the same as the Binance.get_order/3
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange.ex
@callback get_order(
symbol :: String.t(),
timestamp :: non_neg_integer(),
order_id :: non_neg_integer()
) ::
{:ok, Core.Exchange.Order.t()}
| {:error, any()}
All of the above callbacks rely on the Core.Exchange.Order
struct, which we will add now inside the Core.Exchange
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange.ex
defmodule Order do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
id: non_neg_integer(),
symbol: String.t(),
price: number(),
quantity: number(),
side: :buy | :sell,
status: :new | :filled,
timestamp: non_neg_integer()
defstruct [:id, :symbol, :price, :quantity, :side, :status, :timestamp]
The above struct is a simplification of the Binance.Order
struct limited to just the fields we are using in our strategy.
Additionally, we use the Binance
module to fetch symbol filters inside the Naive.Strategy
(we actually fetch the whole exchange info and then dig inside to find our filters) - we will create a dedicated struct for those filters:
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange.ex
# add below inside the Core.Exchange module
defmodule SymbolInfo do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
symbol: String.t(),
tick_size: number(),
step_size: number()
defstruct [:symbol, :tick_size, :step_size]
@callback fetch_symbol_filters(symbol :: String.t()) ::
{:ok, Core.Exchange.SymbolInfo.t()}
| {:error, any()}
The final usage of the Binance
module comes from the seed scripts, where we fetch the exchange info just to get the list of the supported currencies. We will make getting a list of supported currencies part of our behaviour:
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange.ex
# add below inside the Core.Exchange module
@callback fetch_symbols() ::
{:ok, [String.t()]}
| {:error, any()}
This finishes the definition of the Core.Exchange
behaviour. It should consist of five callback functions(
, fetch_symbol_filters/1
, get_order/3
, order_limit_buy/3
and order_limit_sell/3
) together with two structs(Order
and SymbolInfo
21.3.2 Implementation of the Core.Exchange.Binance
As we defined the behaviour, we can now wrap the production implementation(the Binance
module) inside a module that will implement that behaviour.
We will start by creating a new directory called “exchange” inside the apps/core/lib/core
directory, together with a new file called binance.ex
. Inside it, we will define a module that will implement the Core.Exchange
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange/binance.ex
defmodule Core.Exchange.Binance do
@behaviour Core.Exchange
Now we are obliged to implement all functions defined in the behaviour, starting with the fetch_symbols/0
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange/binance.ex
alias Core.Exchange
@impl Core.Exchange
def fetch_symbols() do
case Binance.get_exchange_info() do
{:ok, %{symbols: symbols}} ->
|> &1["symbol"])
|> then(&{:ok, &1})
error ->
As we can see - the case
statement wraps the call to the Binance
module, and either we evaluate further business logic or forward the error so the “consumer” of our library can decide what to do with the error condition. This pattern will appear in all our functions as the Core.Exchange.Binance
module is our own “library” module.
Let’s continue with implementing the remaining functions defined in the behaviour:
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange/binance.ex
@impl Core.Exchange
def fetch_symbol_filters(symbol) do
case Binance.get_exchange_info() do
{:ok, exchange_info} -> {:ok, fetch_symbol_filters(symbol, exchange_info)}
error -> error
defp fetch_symbol_filters(symbol, exchange_info) do
symbol_filters =
|> Map.get(:symbols)
|> Enum.find(&(&1["symbol"] == symbol))
|> Map.get("filters")
tick_size =
|> Enum.find(&(&1["filterType"] == "PRICE_FILTER"))
|> Map.get("tickSize")
step_size =
|> Enum.find(&(&1["filterType"] == "LOT_SIZE"))
|> Map.get("stepSize")
symbol: symbol,
tick_size: tick_size,
step_size: step_size
The fetch_symbol_filters/1
function follows the previously discussed pattern. The fetch_symbol_filters/2
, on the other hand, is a modified copy of the merge_filters_into_settings/2
function from the Naive.Strategy
module is now returning the Exchange.SymbolInfo
Another function to be implemented to fulfil the behaviour is get_order/3
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange/binance.ex
@impl Core.Exchange
def get_order(symbol, timestamp, order_id) do
case Binance.get_order(symbol, timestamp, order_id) do
{:ok, %Binance.Order{} = order} ->
id: order.order_id,
symbol: order.symbol,
price: order.price,
quantity: order.orig_qty,
side: side_to_atom(order.side),
status: status_to_atom(order.status),
timestamp: order.time
error ->
defp side_to_atom("BUY"), do: :buy
defp side_to_atom("SELL"), do: :sell
defp status_to_atom("NEW"), do: :new
defp status_to_atom("FILLED"), do: :filled
As in the case of the previously implemented functions, the get_order/3
implementation wraps the Binance
’s function inside the case
statement. To satisfy the Core.Exchange
behaviour, it needs to return the Exchange.Order
struct - hence the conversion. It also needs to convert the string side
and status
fields to atoms before assigning them to the struct(that’s the role of the status_to_atom
and side_to_atom
helper functions).
The final two functions to be implemented will be the order_limit_buy/3
and order_limit_sell/3
# /apps/core/lib/core/exchange/binance.ex
@impl Core.Exchange
def order_limit_buy(symbol, quantity, price) do
case Binance.order_limit_buy(symbol, quantity, price, "GTC") do
{:ok, %Binance.OrderResponse{} = order} ->
id: order.order_id,
price: order.price,
quantity: order.orig_qty,
side: :buy,
status: :new,
timestamp: order.transact_time
error ->
@impl Core.Exchange
def order_limit_sell(symbol, quantity, price) do
case Binance.order_limit_sell(symbol, quantity, price, "GTC") do
{:ok, %Binance.OrderResponse{} = order} ->
id: order.order_id,
price: order.price,
quantity: order.orig_qty,
side: :sell,
status: :new,
timestamp: order.transact_time
error ->
That finishes our first implementation of the Core.Exchange
behaviour. It will be used in the production by our Naive.Strategy
, but before we will update it, let’s update the BinanceMock
module to implement the same behaviour for testing/backtesting.
21.3.3 Updating the BinanceMock
module to implement the Core.Exchange
The BinanceMock
module must implement the Core.Exchange
behaviour. It will (at compile time) guarantee that both Core.Exchange.Binance
and BinanceMock
share a common interface that can be used by the Naive.Strategy
First, we will start by declaring that the BinanceMock
actually implements the Core.Exchange
# /apps/binance_mock/lib/binance_mock.ex
defmodule BinanceMock do
@behaviour Core.Exchange # <= added
Next, we can replace all the aliases to the Binance
structs with a single alias to the Core.Exchange
Don’t forget to update all references to the Binance.Order
with Exchange.Order
As the behaviour is now defined in the Core.Exchange
module, we can remove all @type
and @callback
Moving on, we will replace the get_exchange_info/0
(together with it’s get_cached_exchange_info/0
helper function) with fetch_symbols/0
and fetch_symbol_filters/1
(and their helper functions):
# /apps/binance_mock/lib/binance_mock.ex
def fetch_symbols() do
case fetch_exchange_info() do
{:ok, %{symbols: symbols}} ->
|> &1["symbol"])
|> then(&{:ok, &1})
error ->
def fetch_symbol_filters(symbol) do
case fetch_exchange_info() do
{:ok, exchange_info} ->
{:ok, fetch_symbol_filters(symbol, exchange_info)}
error ->
defp fetch_exchange_info() do
case Application.get_env(:binance_mock, :use_cached_exchange_info) do
true ->
_ ->
defp get_cached_exchange_info do
|> Path.split()
|> Enum.drop(-1)
|> Kernel.++([
|> Path.join()
defp fetch_symbol_filters(symbol, exchange_info) do
# <= this is a copy of `Core.Exchange.Binance.fetch_symbol_filters/2` function
There are a few additional helpers above, and it got a bit long - let’s unpack it.
First, both the fetch_symbols/0
and fetch_symbol_filters/1
look very similar to the ones we implemented for the Core.Exchange.Binance
module. The main difference here is that we support cached exchange info by introducing the fetch_exchange_info/0
function, which branches out to either using the Binance
module or the get_cached_exchange_info/0
function. The latter was updated to return the raw data instead of the Binance.ExchangeInfo
Next, there’s the get_oder/3
function - as it’s working in the same way as per our behaviour, we will leave it as it is.
The final two functions to update will be the order_limit_buy/4
and order_limit_sell/4
, which will now become three argument functions:
# /apps/binance_mock/lib/binance_mock.ex
def order_limit_buy(symbol, quantity, price) do
order_limit(symbol, quantity, price, "BUY")
def order_limit_sell(symbol, quantity, price) do
order_limit(symbol, quantity, price, "SELL")
In the above functions, we simply skipped the fourth arguments to fulfil the behaviour.
The changes to different structs will have a ripple effect in other parts of the BinanceMock module:
# /apps/binance_mock/lib/binance_mock.ex
def generate_fake_order(...) do
id: order_id,
symbol: symbol,
price: price,
quantity: quantity,
side: side_to_atom(side),
status: status_to_atom("NEW"),
timestamp: current_timestamp
} # <= keys updated & `.new` dropped
defp side_to_atom("BUY"), do: :buy # <= added
defp side_to_atom("SELL"), do: :sell # <= added
defp status_to_atom("NEW"), do: :new # <= added
defp status_to_atom("FILLED"), do: :filled # <= added
def handle_call(
{:get_order, symbol, time, order_id},
) do
|> Enum.find(
&(&1.symbol == symbol and
&1.timestamp == time and # <= field updated
& == order_id) # <= field updated
def handle_info(
%TradeEvent{} = trade_event,
) do
filled_buy_orders =
|>!(&1, :status, :filled)) # <= changed to atom
filled_sell_orders =
|>!(&1, :status, :filled)) # <= changed to atom
defp order_limit(symbol, quantity, price, side) do
{:ok, fake_order} # <= no need to convert between structs any more
# remove the `convert_order_to_order_response/1` function - not required anymore
# and finally ;)
defp convert_order_to_event(%Exchange.Order{} = order, time) do
event_time: time - 1,
symbol: order.symbol,
trade_id: Integer.floor_div(time, 1000),
price: order.price,
quantity: order.quantity,
trade_time: time - 1,
buyer_market_maker: false
} # ^^^^^^= updated mapping
The above changes finish the modifications to the BiananceMock. The module now correctly implements the behaviour.
21.3.4 Updating the Naive.Strategy
We can now move on to the code that will use our implementations of the Core.Exchange
behaviour - the Naive.Strategy
We will start by adding an alias to the Core.Exchange
at the top of the module:
Next, we can rename the configuration based @binance_client
to @exchange_client
and update references to it throughout the module:
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/strategy.ex
@exchange_client Application.compile_env(:naive, :exchange_client)
Besides the above, we are now relying on the generic structs, so we need to update all references to the Binance.OrderResponse
and Binance.Order
modules with the Exchange.Order
(including updating all field names) - for example:
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/strategy.ex
# from:
buy_order: %Binance.Order{
order_id: order_id,
status: "FILLED"
sell_order: Binance.Order{}
# to:
buy_order: %Exchange.Order{ # <= struct updated
id: order_id, # <= key updated
status: :filled # <= updated to atom
sell_order: %Exchange.Order{}
# rename cheatsheet:
# order_id to id (do not use "global" file replace)
# orig_qty to quantity ("global" file replace safe)
# transact_time to timestamp ("global" file replace safe)
# "FILLED" to :filled ("global" file replace safe)
As the behaviour’s interface(public functions) differs from the Binance
module, we need to update all calls that we simplified:
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/strategy.ex
{:ok, %Exchange.Order{} = order} = @exchange_client.order_limit_buy(symbol, quantity, price)
{:ok, %Exchange.Order{} = order} =
@exchange_client.order_limit_sell(symbol, quantity, sell_price)
As of now, we will deal only with the Exchange.Order
structs instead a pair of Binance.OrderResponse
and Binance.Order
, we can simplify the existing two clauses of broadcast_order/1
into a single one(and remove the convert_to_order/1
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/strategy.ex
defp broadcast_order(%Exchange.Order{} = order) do
The final change to the Naive.Strategy
module will be to update the fetch_symbol_settings/1
function (and remove the merge_filters_into_settings/3
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/strategy.ex
def fetch_symbol_settings(symbol) do
{:ok, filters} = @exchange_client.fetch_symbol_filters(symbol)
db_settings = @repo.get_by!(Settings, symbol: symbol)
filters |> Map.from_struct(),
db_settings |> Map.from_struct()
The function is now much more straightforward as we use the fetch_symbol_filters/1
function implemented as a part of the Core.Exchange
21.3.5 Updating the seed scripts
The other places we use the exchange are seed scripts that we need to update. First inside the Naive
# /apps/naive/priv/seed_settings.exs
exchange_client = Application.compile_env(:naive, :exchange_client)
{:ok, symbols} = exchange_client.fetch_symbols()
maps = symbols
|>{base_settings | symbol: &1}))
We no longer use the binance_client
but exchange_client
instead - in the same fashion as inside the Naive.Strategy
module. Both implementations provide the fetch_symbols/0
function, which returns a list of symbols - hence the change inside the Enum/2
We will follow up with changes to the seeding script of the Streamer
application(I will skip listing the changes here as they are the same as in the case of the Naive
At this moment, we can change the configuration to make the Naive.Strategy
# /config/config.ex
config :streamer,
exchange_client: BinanceMock, # <= key updated
config :naive,
exchange_client: BinanceMock, # <= key updated
# /config/prod.exs
config :naive,
exchange_client: Core.Exchange.Binance # <= key and module updated
config :streamer,
exchange_client: Core.Exchange.Binance # <= key and module updated
# /config/test.exs
config :naive,
exchange_client: Test.BinanceMock, # <= key updated
21.3.6 Manual testing after the refactoring
We can now test that Naive.Strategy
$ iex -S mix
iex(1)> Streamer.start_streaming("XRPUSDT")
iex(2)> Naive.start_trading("XRPUSDT")
21:42:12.813 [info] Position (XRPUSDT/1662842530254): Placing a BUY order @ 0.35560000,
quantity: 562.00000000
21:42:15.280 [info] Position (XRPUSDT/1662842530254): The BUY order is now partially filled
21:42:15.281 [info] Position (XRPUSDT/1662842530254): The BUY order is now filled. Placing
a SELL order @ 0.35580000, quantity: 562.00000000
21:42:15.536 [info] Position (XRPUSDT/1662842530254): The SELL order is now partially
21:42:15.593 [info] Position (XRPUSDT/1662842530254): Trade cycle finished
The above output confirms that we have a full working trading flow using either Core.Exchange.Binance
or BinanceMock
21.3.7 Storing the data
As we are now using generic structs like the Core.Exchange.Order
, all data storage-related code needs to be updated.
We will start by updating the migration script to store only limited passed data:
# /apps/data_warehouse/priv/repo/migrations/20210222224522_create_orders.exs
def change do
create table(:orders, primary_key: false) do
add(:id, :bigint, primary_key: true)
add(:symbol, :text)
add(:price, :text)
add(:quantity, :text)
add(:side, :text)
add(:status, :text)
add(:timestamp, :bigint)
A lot of fields got removed/renamed, including the primary key. We will follow up by updating the schema for that table:
# /apps/data_warehouse/lib/data_warehouse/schema/order.ex
@primary_key {:id, :integer, autogenerate: false} # <= column updated
schema "orders" do
field(:symbol, :string)
field(:price, :string)
field(:quantity, :string)
field(:side, :string)
field(:status, :string)
field(:timestamp, :integer)
The schema was updated to mirror the new shape of the orders
db table.
We can now progress to the Worker, where we will start to use the Core.Exchange
based structs:
# /apps/data_warehouse/lib/data_warehouse/subscriber/worker.ex
alias Core.Exchange # <= alias added
def handle_info(%Exchange.Order{} = order, state) do
data =
|> Map.from_struct()
|> Map.merge(%{
side: atom_to_side(order.side),
status: atom_to_status(order.status)
struct(DataWarehouse.Schema.Order, data)
|> DataWarehouse.Repo.insert(
on_conflict: :replace_all,
conflict_target: :id # <= column updated
defp atom_to_side(:buy), do: "BUY"
defp atom_to_side(:sell), do: "SELL"
defp atom_to_status(:new), do: "NEW"
defp atom_to_status(:filled), do: "FILLED"
The Worker
will now pattern matches on the Core.Exchange.Order
struct instead of Binance.Order
as before. Inside the callback, we simplified the mapping to the schema struct and updated the conflict to the renamed id
column. Finally, we added the helper functions to convert status
and side
atoms to strings.
21.3.8 The Mox
approach summary
We didn’t yet look into updating our tests, but instead of focusing on that, we will chat about our implementation.
First, it’s worth stressing that it required multiple changes to many parts of the system spanning from the Naive
application through Streamer
(seeding) and ending in the DataWarehouse
More importantly, we needed to define a behaviour. It gives us a compile-time guarantee, but on the other hand, we were pushed to define it very early.
Let me explain.
Up to this moment, we have been using only the Binance
module. We didn’t have an opportunity to work with other modules/exchanges. In fact, we didn’t want to create an Exchange
level abstraction. We were happy with using the Binance
module, and we added the behaviour just to be able to use the Mox
package to mock it inside our tests. All of this feels like a really heavy over-engineering just to be able to test.
Furthermore, as we defined the behaviour, we needed to define the generic structs that we based on the ones from the Binance
module. We have never seen examples of structs from other packages, so we took only fields that we are using in our strategy to limit the possibility of missing data from another exchange in the future. The knock-on effect will be that we are already missing valuable data in the database as well as adding any new exchanges in the future may require updates to the behaviour, behaviour’s existing implementations and most of the code that uses it (like the Naive.Strategy
Additionally, we returned the Binance
’s error messages straight to the user of our abstraction(Naive.Strategy
). We should be converting those to generic errors, but we don’t have a clue about other exchanges and the errors they could raise.
At this moment, abstracting our code into behaviour+implementations is uneducated over-engineering and simply asking for troubles in the future.
What’s the alternative?
The first thing that comes to mind would be to look for some “standard” that could be leveraged to build our behaviour/define structs. For cryptocurrency exchanges, that will be “CCXT” - it’s an open-source “library” available for Python, JavaScript and PHP.
We could look further and look for an Elixir implementation of the CCXT package and find the package named ccxtex
. It’s a wrapper around the JavaScript version of the CCXT package.
Using the above(either the ccxtex
package or ccxt
as a “blueprint”) instead of trying to figure out our own behaviour based on our limited knowledge about exchanges would most certainly let us avoid continuous updates to our code.
Those updates, coupled with the fact that we would add the behaviour just to be able to test the implementation, put usage of the Mox
package in serious doubt.
The source code up to this moment can be found at Github
We will stop here and revert to the source code from the end of the 20th chapter. Instead of leaving something we are not prepared to continue with, we will look into alternative ways to test our strategy.
21.4 Mimicking the reality
In this section, we will look into using the Mimic
package to mock the Binance
module to test our Naive.Strategy
. The advantage of using the Mimic
package is that we don’t need to define behaviours to mock our modules.
Let’s kick this off by swapping the mox
package to the mimic
package in the dependencies of the Naive
Don’t forget to run mix deps.get
to resolve the dependencies.
21.4.1 Updating the Naive.Strategy
Before we dive into writing new tests, we can update the Naive.Strategy
module. The mimic
module doesn’t require us to inject dependencies into module attributes based on config, so we can remove them:
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/strategy.ex
# remove the below lines
@binance_client Application.compile_env(:naive, :binance_client)
@logger Application.compile_env(:core, :logger)
@pubsub_client Application.compile_env(:core, :pubsub_client)
@repo Application.compile_env(:naive, :repo)
We will switch back to using modules’ names as before. We will update all references to attributes throughout the module with corresponding hardcoded module names:
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/strategy.ex
# change @logger to Logger
# change @binance_client to Binance
# change @pubsub_client to Phoenix.PubSub
# change @repo to Repo
As we are pointing to Repo
instead of Naive.Repo
, we need to add an alias at the top of the module:
[Note: At this moment, we will apply the above changes to the Indicator.Ohlc.Worker
and Indicator.Ohlc
and apps/indicator/lib/indicator/ohlc.ex
) to avoid breaking the application when we will clean
up the config in the next step.]
That finishes our conversion to hardcoded module names. As we are no longer basing our module on the configuration, we can remove all redundant configuration keys from the main config.exs
# /config/config.exs
config :core, # <= remove
logger: Logger, # <= remove
pubsub_client: Phoenix.PubSub # <= remove
config :streamer,
binance_client: BinanceMock, # <= remove
config :naive,
binance_client: BinanceMock, # <= remove
repo: Naive.Repo, # <= remove
We can now move on to figure out how we are going to test it.
21.4.2 Testing the Naive.Strategy
First, we can remove the existing unit tests(apps/naive/test/naive/trader_test.exs
) as they are not applicable anymore.
Next, we will create a new file apps/naive/test/naive/strategy_test.exs
with a skeleton of a test:
# /apps/naive/test/naive/strategy_test.exs
defmodule Naive.StrategyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
use Mimic
alias Core.Struct.TradeEvent
alias Naive.Strategy
# we will add our tests here
As we will stub dependencies using mimic
, we need to use
it inside the test module.
We will be testing the primary entry function, the Naive.Strategy.execute/3
, where we will first focus on placing a buy order scenario:
# /apps/naive/test/naive/strategy_test.exs
@tag :unit
test "Strategy places a buy order" do
# we will put our code here
The simplest scenario will be to pass hardcoded settings, a fresh position(based on those settings) and a trade event(that will trigger the buy order):
# /apps/naive/test/naive/strategy_test.exs
settings = %{
symbol: "ABC",
chunks: "5",
budget: "200",
buy_down_interval: "0.2",
profit_interval: "0.1",
rebuy_interval: "0.5",
tick_size: "0.000001",
step_size: "0.001",
status: :on
{:ok, new_positions} = Naive.Strategy.execute(
price: "1.00000"
Now, the above call to the Naive.Strategy.execute/3
will cause the Binance.order_limit_buy/4
, Phoenix.PubSub.brodcast/3
(we will skip this one and get back to it later) functions to be called. We need to mock those functions at the beginning of our test before calling the Naive.Strategy.execute/3
# /apps/naive/test/naive/strategy_test.exs
expected_order = %Binance.OrderResponse{
client_order_id: "1",
executed_qty: "0.000",
order_id: "x1",
orig_qty: "50.000",
price: "0.800000",
side: "BUY",
status: "NEW",
symbol: "ABC"
|> stub(
fn "ABC", "50.000", "0.800000", "GTC" -> {:ok, expected_order} end
|> stub(
fn _pubsub, _topic, _message -> :ok end
We can use the expected_order
above to assert that the Naive.Strategy.execute/3
returned the correct value - the buy_order
field should hold the same data as the expected_order
. We can add the below assertions at the end of the test:
# /apps/naive/test/naive/strategy_test.exs
assert (length new_positions) == 1
%{buy_order: buy_order} = List.first(new_positions)
assert buy_order == expected_order
That finishes the test implementation, but before we will be able to use the mimic
module, we need to prepare modules so we can stub them inside tests - here are the new contents of the test helper file:
# /apps/naive/test/test_helper.exs
We removed all references to the mox
module and replaced them with calls to the Mimic.copy/1
We are now ready to run our new test:
$ mix test.unit
21:49:39.737 [info] Position (ABC/1675460979732): Placing a BUY order @ 0.800000,
quantity: 50.000
Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.2s async, 0.00s sync)
2 tests, 0 failures, 1 excluded
As we can see, we successfully mocked the Binance
and Phoenix.PubSub
modules. We can also see that we are getting log messages that we will deal with next.
21.4.3 Logging elephant in the room
As we moved back to using the Logger
module instead of some dummy implementation, we are now back to square one, seeing logs in our tests. We could go on the route of mocking the Logger
module using the Mimic
, but actually, there’s a better way to deal with logs in the tests.
As ExUnit starts, it allows us to pass options that will modify its behaviour. One of those is capture_log
, which, when set to true
, will cause ExUnit to hide all log messages - let’s update the test helper script to enable this feature:
Let’s rerun our tests to see the difference:
$ mix test.unit
Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.2s async, 0.00s sync)
2 tests, 0 failures, 1 excluded
We can see that the ExUnit output is now free of any logs.
But what if we would like to assert the logged message? We were able to do that using the mox
package, as we were mocking and asserting log messages’ contents inside those mocks.
ExUnit provides a helper function for that case as well. We will modify our test to capture the log inside it and assert that it logs the correct value (the price of $0.8):
# /apps/naive/test/naive/strategy_test.exs
import ExUnit.CaptureLog # <= import logging capturing functionality
test "Strategy places a buy order" do
{{:ok, new_positions}, log} =
with_log(fn ->
price: "1.00000"
assert log =~ "0.8"
In the above code, we wrapped our call to the Naive.Strategy.execute/3
into an anonymous function that we passed as an argument to the with_log/1
function. The with_log/1
function returns a tuple containing the result of the passed function and the generated log message(s). We can then assert that the logged message contains the expected value, strengthening our test. We can now rerun our unit test:
$ mix test.unit
Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.2s async, 0.00s sync)
2 tests, 0 failures, 1 excluded
It’s worth noting that we were able to capture the log message even with global capture_log enabled(inside the test helper when starting ExUnit). This gives us ultimate flexibility. None of the logs are displayed, although whenever we need, we can always capture logs inside test cases on a test-by-tas basis.
That would wrap up the writing unit tests part. But how will this work with running our code locally(or in “production”) or running integration tests?
21.5 Swapping back to attributes
We need to have a way to swap Binance’s implementation between dev/test/integration and prod environments.
We can’t use the mimic
package to swap the implementation as this is a “running” mode, not some tests.
Please note that most of the applications won’t need to change the implementation based on the environment as the 3rd party library/package itself will provide some flags to enable/disable the functionality(like sending emails to newly registered users).
Let’s get back to the Naive.Strategy
module, where we will bring back the attribute-based @binance_client
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/strategy.ex
@binance_client Application.compile_env(:naive, :binance_client)
We need to update all references to the Binance module’s functions to use the @binance_client
module’s attribute.
As we are already modifying the Naive
application, we can follow up by removing the @logger
and @pubsub_client
module’s attributes in the Naive.Trader
# /apps/naive/lib/naive/trader.ex
# remove the below attributes
@logger Application.compile_env(:core, :logger)
@pubsub_client Application.compile_env(:core, :pubsub_client)
# change @logger to Logger
# change @pubsub_client to Phoenix.PubSub
21.5.1 Config files
We will now move to config files, where we will re-add the binance_client
configuration. As previously we will want the BinanceMock
to be used everywhere besides production:
# /config/config.exs
config :streamer,
binance_client: BinanceMock # <= add
config :naive,
binance_client: BinanceMock, # <= add
leader: Naive.Leader, # <= remove
# /config/prod.exs
# stays as it was - pointing to the `Binance` module
# /config/test.exs
# remove everything besides the `import`
It’s important to understand that we don’t need to configure the binance_client
inside the test configuration. As we now utilise the mimic
package, we can drive mocking from the test level.
The knock-on effect of bringing back the environment driven @binance_client
is that now we will need to mimic the BinanceMock
module instead of Binance
for our unit tests. To fix that, we need to update the test helper:
and the unit test:
We needed to change the above as now, in the case of dev and integration, we are using the BinanceMock
After applying the above changes, we can now run the unit tests:
$ mix test.unit
Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.2s async, 0.00s sync)
2 tests, 0 failures, 1 excluded
As well as run the integration tests:
$ MIX_ENV=integration mix test.integration
Finished in 7.2 seconds (0.04s async, 7.1s sync)
2 tests, 0 failures, 1 excluded
And finally, we are able to run the project:
$ iex -S mix
iex(1)> Streamer.start_streaming("ETHUSDT")
iex(2)> Naive.start_trading("ETHUSDT")
22:57:53.834 [info] Position (ETHUSDT/1675724273832): Placing a BUY order @ 1632.82000000,
quantity: 0.12240000
In this chapter, we’ve reiterated the ideas behind the mox
package, highlighting its shortcomings, especially the push to create needless abstractions(behaviours). We then dropped our changes to show the alternative approach using the ‘mimic’ package, which was way handier and easier to understand. In the end, we realized that to facilitate using different implementations between dev and production, we will need to keep the @binance_client
[Note] Please remember to run the mix format
to keep things nice and tidy.
The source code for this chapter can be found on GitHub